path: root/
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1 files changed, 122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
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index 0000000..1ec5fab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Authors: Jackson Taylor and Evan Wiedholz
+# Date: 03/01/2022
+# Description: Clone of the newly popular game from New York Times, "Wordle"
+import enchant
+import random
+from re import match as re_match
+from string import printable
+word_length = 5 # How long the answers and the guesses have to be. Default: 5
+max_number_of_guesses = 6 # How many tries to guess the word: Default: 6
+# Symbols for showing letter correctness
+no_match_character = '-' # Letter is not in the answer
+partial_match_character = '+' # Letter is in the answer, but not this position
+full_match_character = '*' # Letter is in the answer, and the right position
+# Object used to check if words are words
+enchant_dict = enchant.Dict("en_US")
+alphabet = printable[10:36]
+def get_user_guess():
+ while True:
+ guess = input("Guess: ").lower()
+ if not re_match('^[a-z]{' + str(word_length) + '}$', guess):
+ print(
+ "Guess must be {} characters long and only include letters!"
+ .format(word_length))
+ continue
+ if not enchant_dict.check(guess):
+ print("Guess must be an english word!")
+ continue
+ return guess
+# This could potentially be really slow in some cases, depending on how long
+# the word is. This could be changed to use a library called Random-Word, but
+# that looks like it requires an internet connection to work.
+# One idea would be to keep a list of all words in some files in a data
+# directory or something, but then you almost lose the ability to have
+# word_length be configurable.
+def generate_correct_answer():
+ while True:
+ answer = ''.join(
+ [alphabet[
+ random.randint(0, len(alphabet) - 1)] for x in range(
+ word_length)])
+ if enchant_dict.check(answer):
+ return answer
+# Evan is mostly the author for this function. Unless you can do something
+# crazy pythonic, I think this would probably be one of the easier solutions.
+def compare_guess_to_answer(guess, answer):
+ score = [no_match_character for _ in guess]
+ guess_unmatched_character_position = {}
+ answer_unmatched_character_position = {}
+ for i in range(len(answer)):
+ answer_unmatched_character_position[i] = answer[i]
+ guess_unmatched_character_position[i] = guess[i]
+ # Match everything that's a full match
+ for index in range(len(guess)):
+ # If the letter in the index of the guess is the same as the one in
+ # the answer
+ if (answer_unmatched_character_position[index] ==
+ guess_unmatched_character_position[index]):
+ score[index] = full_match_character
+ del answer_unmatched_character_position[index]
+ del guess_unmatched_character_position[index]
+ # Go back and check for any partial matches
+ for key, value in guess_unmatched_character_position.items():
+ # Does the letter exist somewhere in the answer?
+ if value in answer_unmatched_character_position.values():
+ # Get a list of the remaining keys (indexes of the unaccounted
+ # for letters in the answer)
+ key_list = list(answer_unmatched_character_position.keys())
+ # Get a list of the remaining values in the answer
+ # (literal letters)
+ val_list = list(answer_unmatched_character_position.values())
+ # Mark the score
+ score[key] = partial_match_character
+ # Get the key for where this letter exists in the answer (the
+ # index), and then remove it from the answers unmatched character
+ # positions
+ del answer_unmatched_character_position[
+ key_list[val_list.index(value)]]
+ return score
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ answer = generate_correct_answer()
+ answer = 'canal'
+ number_of_guesses = 0
+ guessed_correctly = False
+ while number_of_guesses < max_number_of_guesses and not guessed_correctly:
+ number_of_guesses += 1
+ guess = get_user_guess()
+ if guess == answer:
+ guessed_correctly = True
+ else:
+ print(''.join(compare_guess_to_answer(guess, answer)))
+ print(guess)
+ if not guessed_correctly:
+ print("You lose! Answer was: {}".format(answer))
+ else:
+ print("Congrats, you win! You guessed it in {} tries!".format(
+ number_of_guesses))