AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-02-08Add settings for calendar pluginHEADmasterJackson Taylor
2024-02-08Add junegunn/gv.vim pluginJackson Taylor
I'm not sure how much I like this plugin yet because it creates a new tab instead of just a new buffer. But I haven't looked at it too much. I might just use this as a replacement for gitk by using a separate window with just :GV running.
2024-02-08Cleanup vim-startifyJackson Taylor
I have some more stuff I want to do with this, but for now Bender is kinda old so Nika is fine.
2024-01-30.gitignore: Ignore personal dictionaryJackson Taylor
This could probably be stored in git, but I'm going to exclude it for now
2024-01-30plugins: Install neotestJackson Taylor
I hope to get this working well enough where I can run tests from within neovim
2024-01-30NERDTree: show hidden files by defaultJackson Taylor
Order them first too
2024-01-30Add cellular automation pluginJackson Taylor
Fun thing make text go brrrt
2024-01-30Change formatting of comments in packer.luaJackson Taylor
2024-01-30NOT WORKING: Add custom snippetsJackson Taylor
2024-01-30Enable treesitter on toml and git rebaseJackson Taylor
This seems fixed now
2024-01-30Change debounce settings for cmpJackson Taylor
This seemed to have a pretty good performance increase
2024-01-30Update indent-blankline config to v3Jackson Taylor
2024-01-30Add helpful keybindingsJackson Taylor
- Tab manipulation - Zen mode - Force kill buffer (quit without writing)
2024-01-18Reorder vimwiki entriesJackson Taylor
2024-01-18Document airline settingsJackson Taylor
2023-09-05Replace deprecated parentheses color pluginJackson Taylor
The old plugin was causing issues with treesitter and tsx files. Syntax highlighting wouldn't work by default, so you had to turn it on for every tsx buffer. This seems to have fixed it.
2023-09-04Fix broken configJackson Taylor
I always remember this after I've already broken it lol
2023-09-02Add ryanoasis/vim-devicons packageJackson Taylor
This is a plugin that adds icons in certain areas
2023-09-02Add indent-blanklineJackson Taylor
This plugin shows indentation guides as well as whitespace. I'm not crazy about this setup currently, but it's kinda nice.
2023-09-02Minimize the amount of stuff on start screenJackson Taylor
Startify is actually really cool. I wasn't sold on like project management with vim until I saw how easy it was with startify and now I love it.
2023-09-02Add calendar plugin and keymappingsJackson Taylor
SPC-v-c opens a calendar so you can easily open a vimwiki diary entry for the selected day. There's also a way to search through calendar entries, so I might add something for that.
2023-09-02Set startify headerJackson Taylor
2023-09-01startify: Center textJackson Taylor
2023-09-01Add faith-go plugin backJackson Taylor
A lot of this stuff is handled by an lsp, but this has some niceness about it.
2023-08-29Git: fix push mappingsJackson Taylor
2023-08-29Vimwiki: Add custom md to html script settingJackson Taylor
I need to store the actual script somewhere. Maybe in a git gist.
2023-08-29Add zen modeJackson Taylor
2023-08-29Add more split commandsJackson Taylor
2023-08-29Add reopen buffer commandJackson Taylor
2023-06-19Add READMEJackson Taylor
2023-06-19Disable showmodeJackson Taylor
While using airline, it shows your mode at the bottom anyway. So there's no need for it twice.
2023-06-19Add git diff commandJackson Taylor
2023-06-19Add LICENSEJackson Taylor
2023-06-19Add alternate color schemesJackson Taylor
These schemes are cool. I am using gruvbox right now because it matches my wallpaper best. But Ayu is amazing, I think it's my favorite one I've tried. The TempleOS one was a test. I installed the TempleOS font and color scheme and wanted to see if I could try using it (I cold not), but I'm not the greatest programmer who ever lived.
2023-06-13Make my personal vimwiki instance firstJackson Taylor
2023-06-13Fix call to format filesJackson Taylor
LSP has some formatters that you can use and run, this command was just written wrong.
2023-06-13Add bufkill packageJackson Taylor
Allows you to close a buffer without losing your window placement (splits)
2023-06-13Add sql parser to treesitterJackson Taylor
2023-06-12Change personal vimwiki to MarkdownJackson Taylor
This was overdue. Vimwiki is nice, but Markdown I think leaves me open for more options, and markdown has an LSP I can use.
2023-06-12Document LSP betterJackson Taylor
I finally understand more about LSP and think I have a good setup now. The biggest changes are the order of the autocomplete stuff. This helps with the lag issues(I hope). I also ensure that a few language servers are installed, because those are the languages I use most. I will probably add more soon (SQL).
2023-06-01Add rainbow delimitersJackson Taylor
2023-06-01Readd cmp for snippetsJackson Taylor
Writing markdown became unbearable because anytime I typed "ti", or "th" it would slow down and freeze for a few seconds. It was really aggravating. This is what I thought was causing that issue to start with. This is an area of neovim I really should research more, because it's a lot more complicated than I thought.
2023-06-01Add vimwiki settingsJackson Taylor
This is a real help because I like keeping 2 separte wikis for work and personal
2023-05-18Keymaps: change split maps to be more memorableJackson Taylor
o for ":only" makes more sense to me than "quit".
2023-05-18Keymaps: add options keybindsJackson Taylor
If anything that pertains to how vim functions or operates, I think i'd like it to go here. Very nice.
2023-05-18Keymap: remap commit commandJackson Taylor
gcc makes more sense to me to make a new commit, where gca is amend.
2023-05-18Keymaps: show git branchesJackson Taylor
I mostly do this in the command line, but it's cool in vim too.
2023-05-18Keymaps: add hunk stagingJackson Taylor
Right now I mostly use :Git and then do it that way instead of using the keymaps. But either way is cool.
2023-05-18Keymaps: close current buffer, but not the splitJackson Taylor
2023-05-11Disable treesitter for cssJackson Taylor
This is a workaround so that way vim-css-color will work. The plugin vim-css-color would not display the colors over their respective color codes, which being able to see the colors is helpful especially in CSS. I don't write enough CSS to try to figure out how to get the 2 to work together, so disabling treesitter for css is easiest right now.