# Basic binds super + Return $TERMINAL super + shift + y freetube super + d dmenu_run -fn "hack:size=10" -nb "#3c302e" -nf "#bbbbbb" -sb "#a86438" -sf "#000000" super + shift + f $TERMINAL -e $FILE super + shift + v $TERMINAL -e nvim +VimwikiIndex super + shift + s $TERMINAL -e htop super + shift + i sudo $TERMINAL -e iftop super + shift + m $TERMINAL -e ncmpcpp super + shift + n $TERMINAL -e newsboat super + shift + w $BROWSER super + shift + Escape prompt "Shutdown computer?" "sudo -A shutdown -h now" super + shift + b read_books super + shift + e $TERMINAL -e neomutt; pkill -RTMIN+12 $STATUSBAR super + shift + c $TERMINAL -e calcurse -D ~/.config/calcurse shift + Print maimpick XF86Audio{Raise,Lower}Volume amixer sset Master 5%{+,-}; pkill -RTMIN+10 blocks XF86AudioMute amixer sset Master toggle; pkill -RTMIN+10 blocks XF86PowerOff dmenu_shutdown # Want to look more into this kind of model of opening programs. # super + o ; {e,w,f,n} # {$TERMINAL -e neomutt,$BROWSER,$TERMINAL -e $FILE, newsboat};